FCR - tuning - MJ and JN influence - 2022-07-08...

In the previous blogs,I was a little worried because when I started suddenly,there was a bump at about 1/2 throttle opening. The cause was the combination of the MJ main jet and JN slow jet. The reason for the judgment was that if the MJ was extremely lowered,it would not go away,but there would be a change.

FCR-tuning - With Boko - 2022-07-02...

While cruising,when I suddenly open the throttle from 1/8 to 1/4 or 1/2,I have a problem where it hits me,or the air-fuel ratio drops to 10.1. I couldn't adjust the PS pilot screw while the engine was running,so I tried various things.

Verifying the impact of CBX1000 PS...

This is a blog post where I tried restoring the PS of CBX1000's FCR. PS is active when idling. It works at least at rotation speeds of 1300RPM-1500RPM. It may be that after a certain level of concentration (returning the PS) there will be almost no effect.

FCR - SJ count tuning - tuning parts list available...

It's in the FCR manual. I bought and tried all of SJ's #35-#55. Roughly speaking,my vague conclusion is that the appropriate values for the return of the PS and AS screws will change. AS,SJ,and PS have different responsibilities.

FCR - tuning - AS Uotani SP2 ignition timing [1] - 2022-06-12...

I set this because I advanced the light dial of AS Uotani SP2 from [0] to [1]. I prefer the feeling of installing it in [2],but it's not a bad feeling with [1],so I'm thinking of adjusting the FCR turning in [1] and then changing the ignition timing to +4 degrees in [2]. I am.

FCR-turning Sheet-Google Sheets Spreadsheet...

How is FCR's past history managed? There are various ways to manage your information,such as using a dedicated app,a notebook,or managing it only in your memory. I have been keeping track of my history since the very beginning when I started using FCR. Even if you say that the history is kept,there are some parts that are not kept.

Test run with FCR-MJ throttle fully open - 2022-06-04...

This is my impression when I drove FCR's main jet MJ at full throttle. Although I didn't drive specifically to set the turning,I was able to use the expressway alone on my way back from touring,so I was able to test the MJ at full throttle. I will write as much as I can remember as a history,including reviews at that time.

FCR Tuning - Slow jet changed from 48 to 55 - 2022-05-23...

Changed FCR's SJ slow jet. The number has been changed from SJ-48 to SJ-55. The intention is to bring the fixed AS to around 1.0 to 1.30 minutes by reversing P1.15 minutes. I've put #52 in SJ,so I'm predicting that unless I put in at least #55,AS won't be around 1.30 minutes back,so I'm raising the number all at once.

Heading to Hattendo Village in Mihara City,Hiroshima Prefecture for a test run of the FCR....

The other day,I replaced my MJ,so I went on a solo tour on the expressway to Hattendo Village,which also served as a test run of the FCR. Hattendo is famous for its cream bread. The facility itself seems to be kept well-maintained,and the staff seemed to be responding well. If you have a flight passing by nearby,Sehito is a facility worth stopping by at least once.

Jet needle clip change - 2022-05-18...

I was concerned about the blowout being about 1/2,so I changed the number of clip stages. The current FCR jet needle is 90FTR #2,and I was planning to touch the AS air screw from time to time. The vacuum gauge uses two Daytona 4-gauges to create a CBX1000-spec 6-gauge.