FCR tuning - Considering the seasons of summer and winter when touching AS and PS - 2022-09-17...

Adjustment of AS air screw. I haven't touched FCR for a while,so I need to be a little more conscious of the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. What is especially good about SJ? What level of AS is appropriate? I hope I can find it on my own.

About FCR-PS. Idle port,slow port and air-fuel ratio at idling...

The other day,when I was carrying around a Carburetor Pilot Screw Adjustment Tool,a certain mass touring group asked me,``What is this?'' ” I was bombarded with questions in turn. I have come to my own conclusions and done things that I had doubts about since I started tuning up FCR,so I will write about them historically.

FCR tuning - SJ and MJ change - 2022-08-15...

With SJ45,I felt like the screw was opening too much,so I changed it to 42. I chose 42 because I wanted to make fine-tuned tuning,but 40 might be the perfect range for all year round. I feel a little regretful that it might not be necessary to make it look strangely deviate from Bito's initial tuning.

FCR tuning - AS air screw adjustment - 2022-08-03...

I wanted to eat curry for lunch,so I went for a light FCR test run. With my ability,I can't decide on a good screw position in one go,so I just do test runs and try different screw positions from rich to lean.

FCR tuning - screw adjustment and AS Uotani SP2 dial tuning - 2022-07-29...

I looked at the cold startability of the engine and tried adjusting AS and PS. I had already decided on the general tuning the other day,so I didn't have to spend any particular time on it,so it was more of a confirmation process. I feel that it is better to open the PS for starting performance. I tried tightening and opening it,but in the end I left it at the default tuning and moved the idle stop screw a little higher.

FCR tuning - AS and PS adjustment during test run - 2022-07-28...

If you try to improve the starting performance,the PS will tend to open. Since it is a racing cab,you may not need to worry too much. Either way,I currently prefer a richer shade,so I'll see how it goes tomorrow morning. I'm thinking about various things,such as tightening the PS a little more and raising the stop screw a little.

FCR - JN clip stage number change - 2nd time today - 2022-07-27...

The goal of the tuning was to improve the adjustment range for the pilot screw and air screw, as it seemed to be nearing its limits. I responded by increasing the size of the slow jet (SJ). It seemed to be working fine as it was, but I prefer tuning it richer. After changing the SJ, I re-synchronized and checked the throttle cable tension. Since there haven’t been significant changes since the last adjustment, I was able to complete it quickly.

FCR - Test run - Mesh jacket is pretty good - 2022-07-27...

It's a cool mesh jacket when you look at it alone,but I feel like it doesn't go well with the CBX1000. It may be suitable for bright tricolor replicas such as NSR. Since I have already purchased it,I will be spending the summer with a mesh jacket for the time being.

I go to vote and then ride a motorcycle. Test run-FCR tuning - 2022-07-10...

CBX1000 blog post. This is a story about going to the polls before going on a tour. I went to vote in the morning,and then did a test run in the morning.

FCR tunings - all changes - 2022-07-09...

The theory of FCR turning is AB testing,one step forward,two steps back! After about a month of trying various things,I decided to completely change the turning. Rather than ignoring the theory,this is the first step in tuning it up. I've tried a lot of things and have a good history,so I changed everything in one go and started over.