I mainly write columns about things related to motorcycles. This is a long article. Since this is not a blog written for commercial purposes, there is content that is not written in magazines etc. On the other hand, please note that some content may be irresponsible.

FCR Tuning - Should the Slow Jet Be Changed According to the Season?...
Tuning the FCR requires adjustments based on the weight of air and fuel. As the temperature drops, the density of the air increases, making the air heavier. In response, it is necessary to either increase the weight (amount) of the fuel or reduce the amount of air.

FCR Tuning - To What Extent Should Carburetor Synchronization Be Done?...
How Far Should Carburetor Synchronization Be Done?When performing synchronization using a vacuum gauge, there are graduations to consider.Is it acceptable for the reading to be off by one graduation?Does even the width of the black line on the gauge count as an error?There are many questions. Recently, I was able to hear the answer from the legend, Mr. Bito.

With the FCR, you can start the engine even on early winter mornings....
I will write about starting the engine of a motorcycle with a carburetor in the early winter mornings. Logically speaking, the Honda Cub, which was commonly used for newspaper delivery in the past, starts the engine easily with the choke and kick start, even on cold winter mornings. Now, regarding motorcycles equipped with FCR carburetors, they don’t have a choke, but you can use the accelerator pump as a substitute. By twisting the throttle about three times and then waiting for about 10 seconds before turning on the starter motor, the engine starts up normally.

Are the standard brakes of classic motorcycles low in performance? I customized my brakes....
Comparison of brakes from the past and present: Even when comparing a CBX1000 equipped with a recently manufactured complete brake system to a CBX1000 that is using well-maintained, 40-year-old brakes, the performance difference is significant.

For FCR Beginners - Don’t use the red Velocity Stack on the street as it is!...
When you purchase an FCR, it comes with a red Velocity Stack. It’s a 30mm red plastic Velocity Stack. The Velocity Stack of the FCR can be considered the 'exhaust' on the intake side. It is an essential part for smoothing the airflow.

FCR Tuning - When changing the straight diameter of the jet needle, also adjust the clip position....
When you change the straight diameter of the jet needle, you may need to change the clip position as well, or else the performance can become quite poor. It’s difficult to specify exactly how many steps you should change the straight diameter before adjusting the clip position, but it seems reasonable to think that changing the straight diameter by about five steps would correspond to a change of approximately one clip position.

Is it true that classic cars are prone to breaking down? As long as the engine is intact, it can be managed....
For those of you who are contemplating whether or not to purchase a vintage motorcycle, I think this is an interesting topic. My conclusion is that as long as the engine is running, it can be managed. If you aim to faithfully reproduce the looks and performance of the motorcycle when it was new, maintaining it might be impossible, but if the goal is simply to ensure it runs smoothly, the challenges become much easier to overcome.

The recommended installation position for the air-fuel ratio gauge is at the center of the meter....
Where do you all mount your air-fuel ratio gauges? The air-fuel ratio gauge needs to be carefully monitored during high-speed runs, especially on straight stretches of road where it’s crucial to check the readings. On my CBX1000, I’ve removed the stock voltmeter and positioned the air-fuel ratio gauge right in the center of the meter cluster for easy visibility.

I went to the 2023 - 11th BITO JB-POWER Meeting....
I attended the 11th JB-POWER Meeting on October 29, 2023 (Sunday). I will focus mainly on the atmosphere of the venue. Photos are compiled at the bottom, separate from the text. My personal reflections will be kept modest, and I will primarily guide you through the venue's ambiance.

FCR Tuning - Regularly resetting the air screw and pilot screw can improve performance....
The FCR air screw and pilot screw are parts that can be adjusted continuously. In contrast, the slow jet and main jet needle can only be adjusted with specific sizes. The air screw is easily accessible once you remove the filter or velocity stack, making it straightforward to observe changes.