
This is a post with a link for a video on YouTube.


FCR Tuning - What is the air-fuel ratio at idle?...

As the title suggests, this is about the air-fuel ratio of the FCR when idling. The air-fuel ratio of my CBX1000 when idling is around 13.5 when the engine is cold, and around 12.9 when the engine is warm. This is just based on my current preference. A senior Z enthusiast told me that the air-cooled Z series is 14.

Comparison of idle port and slow port of FCR carburetor...

I hadn't been aware of it until now,but this is a story that makes me feel like I understand the difference in air-fuel ratio between the idle port and the slow port. There was an incident where I was able to see the difference between fully closing the throttle and opening it slightly to about 1/16,so I will write about it. First of all,I would like to disclaim that I am a programmer by trade and not a motorcycle shop staff member,so please understand that I may contain incorrect information or expressions.

FCR-Balance pipe effect

This is going to be a bit of a rough article. I've been wanting to check the operation with and without a balance pipe for a while now,so I'd like to post about that. I will write the results first. [No change] The verification method is sloppy,and I don't know if the thickness of the balance pipe is the appropriate size in the first place.

FCR-How to fix overflow

Rather than talking about the time when the FCR overflowed with CBX1000,this is a video of cleaning around the float valve. Overflow is a condition where gasoline leaks from the carburetor. Overflow does not mean that the carburetor is broken,but is one of the symptoms when the carburetor becomes clogged with debris. If you understand the cause,you will be more likely to be able to deal with sudden problems.

FCR-Fuel Level Adjustment

This is a fuel level adjustment for FCR. Can you do something like this? A story that made me want to get angry. Adjusting the fuel level means adjusting the fuel level of all 6 cylinders to the same height. Anyone can do it just by aligning the height of the fuel surface. Is the downdraft FCR about 15 degrees? Is it about 15 degrees for all FCRs? Is the horizontal about 30 degrees?

PINGEL cock flow comparison PINGEL1/4...

I am using PINGEL4000-1/4. I don't know the model name,but I'm using a reserve type with an adapter. In rare cases,there are online shopping sites that have incorrect adapter descriptions or actual sizes. The comparison target is the CBX1000's genuine fuel cock,which is a forced open/close type fuel cock.

Change from single horn to double horn...

[Single horn] has been changed to [Double horn]. CBX1000 models CB1 and SC03 are single horns. It's a single horn with a cowl attached to it that seems to be part of the design,but I didn't have a place to attach it,so I changed it to a small car horn.

FCR-tuning JN-2022/04/23-Video available...

Continuing from the other day,I will touch on JN. If it goes out of control in the same season and in the same place,I think it's better to think that something is broken in the first place. I work with the mindset that if something goes wrong,I can just get things back to normal.

Trouble installing generator rebuild...

Replace the CBX1000 regulator or generator. Even though I called it a replacement,I sent the generator to a specialized company and had it rebuilt. As shown in the video,it blows out a lot of white smoke. I realized that modifying the electrical system is an item that requires a lot of thought.

FCR carburetor - lip seal replacement...

Replaced FCR carburetor parts. Around the lip seal and accelerator pump. I'm thinking about riding CBX1000,so I try to avoid long-term immobility. Many work methods include removing the cab,modifying it at home,and installing it as an Assy. Working in a rental pit.