
A list of articles with tags that can be called modifications, mainly CBX1000. This is posted based on the definition of the word custom = modification.


FCR Tuning - Full Throttle! How lean can the main jet go? Will the engine hold up?...

I have performed full-throttle runs with a main jet size of 102 on my CBX1000.This is a discussion about how lean the main jet can be set based on past experiences.I should clarify that I haven’t tested it to the point of damaging the engine, and the testing is therefore insufficient. The inadequacy of the testing is due to the fact that it has not been tested until the piston melts.

Installing the cowl on CBX1000 is not difficult....

I received a question about installing a cowl on the CBX1000,so I will write about it in a column-like manner. Bikini cowls can be easily installed on almost any naked bike. Let's move on with the subject being a frame-mounted cowl.

The difficulty of FCR tuning changes depending on whether it is quick throttle or normal throttle....

My CBX1000 used to have a very cool BITO machined throttle. I used it for almost 20 years, but I sold it because I changed it to an active Quick throttle. One of the recent themes in tuning the FCR is the feeling of acceleration when opening the throttle suddenly.

FCR setting - Installing an air-fuel ratio meter makes setting easier....

I have a PLX-DM-6 on my CBX1000. I see a lot of different expressions on the internet for carburetor settings, such as rich, lean, bumpy, and overhanging, rather than FCR settings. These are just the expressions used by the writers, so I'm not sure if they apply to the settings of my motorcycle.

Riding is fun when you attach a cowl to a naked motorcycle...

Driving review with CBX400F Integra cowl installed on CBX1000. I am not talking about how easy it is to drive without the wind,or how it looks,but it is a lot of fun to throw it around and knock it over. My riding technique is rather poor. And if anything,it feels like a straight line number.

Amon 5-pole slim relay surge coil countermeasures...

My CBX1000 uses Amon's 4-pole relay and 5-pole relay for the added wiring part. It will be referred to as a relay below. The other day when I was browsing the internet,I found that the current flows backwards after the coil is disconnected. I did not know. The relay is used to turn on and off the position lamp.

Repaint-Illustration given when requesting...

I organized my Google Drive. I found an illustration for the instructions I wrote when I requested the exterior repaint of my CBX1000. I will write about it. I will hire a repaint professional to do the job. Professionals fulfill client orders while conducting interviews.

Naked style - CBX1000 looks cooler without a cowl...

I posted a naked style photo from a few years ago that came out. I once again felt that the design of the CBX1000 really suits the naked-style round headlights. When it comes to riding,a motorcycle with a cowl is definitely easier to ride.

Test drive the CBX1000 and head to the rental garage...

I didn't return it to the rental garage for a while because the rainy season ended and it was easy to drive,and I was frequently tuning the FCR. The day before I ride the CBX1000,I pull it out of the rental garage,leave it at home,and ride it the next day.

Photos of CBX1000 cowl specifications are posted....

Even if it is not a CBX1000 cowl specification,some parts may be helpful for owners who want to install a frame-mounted cowl on a naked specification motorcycle. This is a duplicate of the previous article,but the content posted a while after installation and the post immediately after installation are slightly different.