CBX1000’s FCR is a small body of 33 pi. Articles related to MJ main jet regarding FCR settings. The number also represents the size, and each digit is in increments of 0-2-5-8.


FCR Tuning - Tuning the main jet at full throttle is fun....

As you gradually open the throttle from a low position, you will adjust the relevant jets and screws. Once the low-throttle setting is in good condition, the main jet (MJ) is often already in a good or near-good state as well

FCR Tuning - Adjusting the Jets Slightly Leaner for Summer...

When discussing carburetor tuning, terms like "rich" and "lean" are often used. These terms can be a bit confusing for beginners.

FCR Tuning - Full Throttle! How lean can the main jet go? Will the engine hold up?...

I have performed full-throttle runs with a main jet size of 102 on my CBX1000.This is a discussion about how lean the main jet can be set based on past experiences.I should clarify that I haven’t tested it to the point of damaging the engine, and the testing is therefore insufficient. The inadequacy of the testing is due to the fact that it has not been tested until the piston melts.

FCR Tuning - Main Jet Change - 2023-04-14...

This post is a continuation of the blog where I talked about the test ride after tuning the FCR on my CBX1000. The change to the MJ (main jet) has been confirmed to lean out the mixture, going from 125 to 120. Although I mentioned in my previous blog that I was unsure which JN (jet needle) to choose, I realized that there is no need to change the JN immediately. Therefore, I decided to start by changing only the MJ.

FCR Tuning - 2023-04-12 - Considering the Jet Needle Strategy...

The other day, when I used the CBX1000 to go to a motorcycle event, I spent a long time on the highway. This is a story about checking the FCR's performance in terms of riding dynamics. Although I say I checked it, my overall impression was that the feeling I achieved seemed to be quite rich.

FCR Tuning - Easily Adjusting for Each Season...

There are various owners when it comes to tuning FCR, ranging from those who want it to be perfect to those who are satisfied with around 80% accuracy. Among them, many owners prefer to adjust the FCR only within the range they can access.

FCR Tuning - Jet Search Order from Initial Tuning...

I received an email asking about the FCR of a CBX1000. I'm an amateur, but I try to provide information diligently in my own way. I'm not doing this commercially, but I'm very happy when I get a reaction from the web. This time, I'll write about the order in which you should tune the FCR from the factory.

FCR Tuning - Full throttle! Check the main jet for each gear...

This is my method for tuning the main jet of the CBX1000 FCR. Use a chassis dynamometer. This is written in a slightly abstract way, not in a precise way.

FCR Tuning - Where should I tune the main jet at full throttle?...

This is about the main jet settings for the CBX1000. You may not need to worry about this too much on a small motorcycle, but where should you set the main jet on a large motorcycle? There is only one answer. [Chassis dynamo] Nowhere else to do it other than on the chassis dynamo. You can sign a contract for about 200,000 yen per month.

CBX1000 FCR main jet full throttle tuning...

How should I set the main jet of the FCR? I don't know because I don't have an air-fuel ratio meter... I won't know unless I put it on the Dynojet and measure it... I'll write about the way I set the FCR of my CBX1000. I haven't put it on the Dynojet,but I have an air-fuel ratio meter and I drive on the highway.