Installing an FCR on a CBX1000 - 10 Essential Tips for Serious Tuning...

This article is aimed at people who want to start tuning up their FCR in earnest. It covers carburetor synchronization and tuning.

FCR Tuning - Test run after changing MJ main jet...

I drove on the expressway. Speaking of expressways,for those who regularly tune FCRs,there is only one thing to do. Check MJ main jet. Driving at full throttle. In terms of throttle opening,the range of MJ influence is from fully open to close to fully open. The CBX1000 has up to 5 gears.

FCR tuning - Change and synchronize SJ and MJ - 2022-09-27...

About MJ main jet. When I looked at the air-fuel ratio meter,I noticed that it would be better if I made it even slightly lighter. It may not make much sense,but I changed MJ by one step from 128 to 125. This is the season when fuel becomes richer as we approach winter. There is no problem even if you shake it a little thin.

FCR - Test run on the expressway - Check the condition of the main jet...

The speed is within the legal speed limit. Fully open the throttle while looking at the gears like 3rd,4th,and 5th. CBX1000 is a motorcycle with up to 5 speeds. 3rd and 4th gears provide peaky acceleration. When you shift to 5th gear,it won't accelerate comfortably until you get up to a certain speed,but it feels like it will gradually increase the top speed and accelerate.

Do not set FCR - strictly prohibited before touring....

The weight of troubleshooting is completely different when you drive with the expectation that trouble will occur in your local area,and when you go far and cause trouble. Basically,no matter what kind of work you do,whether it's changing a tire or anything else,replacing something means that your car will go from being running well to not being able to run,even temporarily. Maintenance is about changing your body from a state where you can't run to a state where you can run better than before,or a state where your endurance is higher than before.

About taper angle and FCR tuning - MJ confirmation from test run - How much does MJ influence? 2022-08-20...

Since today is Saturday,I wanted to ride on the CBX1000,but unfortunately it was about to rain. To shake or not to rain? Anything else? It was a subtle sky pattern. I ended up doing a test drive around my house while checking the weather forecast on my smartphone. So,I will be doing a test run mainly to see how the MJ looks after changing the tuning from last time.

I go to vote and then ride a motorcycle. Test run-FCR tuning - 2022-07-10...

CBX1000 blog post. This is a story about going to the polls before going on a tour. I went to vote in the morning,and then did a test run in the morning.

FCR tunings - all changes - 2022-07-09...

The theory of FCR turning is AB testing,one step forward,two steps back! After about a month of trying various things,I decided to completely change the turning. Rather than ignoring the theory,this is the first step in tuning it up. I've tried a lot of things and have a good history,so I changed everything in one go and started over.

Test run - Throttle opening 1/2 - MJ change - 2022-07-08...

This is about the CBX1000 FCR turning. I wrote about the results after replacing the MJ in my previous post,but I'll write about my impressions after a test run. I value test runs,but if you have an air-fuel ratio meter installed,you may get caught up in the numbers,so I try to be careful.

FCR - tuning - MJ and JN influence - 2022-07-08...

In the previous blogs,I was a little worried because when I started suddenly,there was a bump at about 1/2 throttle opening. The cause was the combination of the MJ main jet and JN slow jet. The reason for the judgment was that if the MJ was extremely lowered,it would not go away,but there would be a change.