I am the owner of a Honda motorcycle [CBX1000] who lives in Hiroshima City, Japan. I am posting about FCR carburetor and CBX1000 customization. I also post about things other than cars and motorcycles. We will post information that will make bikers around the world happy.
I was able to install the cowl on the CBX400F Integra to a level where I could run it without any problems.
There was a correction point in the previous post, so I fixed it.
First, let's talk about past posts.
【CBX400F Integra cowl installation creation edition】
There is no end to this kind of work, but until you reach a level where you can drive at high speed without any problems,
I finished it. Repair the wiring, replace bolts with appropriate ones, etc.
There is no limit, but can I run? Can't you run? It is judged as complete.
The theme is frame mount and using genuine parts. A cowl will be installed to achieve a speed of 200km/h.
We will continue our work without wavering.
For the time being, there are some minor corrections.
We will continue to add articles there.
The blinker stay and Yoshimura Tempmeter were shaking badly, so I fixed it.
For the blinker, I inserted a rubber piece into the bolt joint and added one stay.
The Yoshimura Tempmeter was shaking and I fixed it by wrapping rubber around the part that was in contact with the frame.
Also, the main stay itself that was attached to the frame was a little loose, so I tightened it again.
It is necessary to consider whether or not to sandwich the rubber.
HONDA CBX1000- meter area
HONDA CBX1000 – Yoshimura oil temperature meter
It's hard to see in the photo, but when installing the bolts and nuts, a rubber piece is inserted between them.
HONDA CBX1000 – Frame – Stay installation
HONDA CBX1000 – Frame – Stay installation
HONDA CBX1000 – Frame – Stay installation
I added one stay and put a rubber washer between the bolts. The shaking has now subsided considerably.
It is also important to wrap it with rubber to prevent vibrations. It is also important to increase the strength of the stay itself.
The position of the turn signal was decided from the beginning, so we proceeded without compromise and found the current position.
*For models with a cowl such as the CBX400F Integra, late CBX1000, and CB-F series Bol d'Or, the turn signal is installed near the top of the head cover for early CBX1000 models.
CBX1000 – Cowl installation photo gallery
It was unclear whether the stays, rubber, etc. would be appropriate as modifications, so they were installed in a sloppy manner.
In the future, this is an item that needs to be corrected, such as replacing it with one that is in good condition and carefully considering how to install it.
HONDA CBX1000HONDA CBX1000HONDA CBX1000HONDA CBX1000-meter areadrive recorderHONDA CBX1000- meter areaInstallation of CBX400F Integra cowl on CBX1000
Looking back, installing the CBX400F Integra cowl took longer than expected.
If you're just wearing it, you don't have to worry about it.
However, if you want to actually drive it, you need strength.
Even though a cowl was installed to allow comfortable high-speed driving, it would be a very disappointing result if the cowl was installed to make it impossible to drive at high speed.
This time, the CBX400F Integra cowl installation work took more time to manufacture.
The more time it takes, the more it costs.
A lot of the work is DIY and I do it myself. It's cheaper than leaving it completely to a custom shop shop.
If you want to go back to the naked style of CBX1000, the standard stay for SC06 is only fixed to the frame with 4 bolts. Easy to remove.
The cowl I installed on the CBX400F Integra is relatively easy to put on and take off. I enjoy wearing it and taking it off depending on the situation and season.
Please enjoy attaching and detaching the cowl as long as it does not interfere with driving.
See you again!