

I will write various things about the Velocity Stack of city riding-FCR. Talk about vertical orientation and processing,etc....

I am writing from the perspective of a city rider. If you are racing oriented,run without a filter. There are many riders who like FCR who modify the FCR Velocity Stack a little. I won't write about Velocity Stacks in detail,but I will write about them roughly based on what I know. I think this blog post will be useful for those who have just made their FCR debut.

FCR Tuning - Test Run - Adjust AS - 2022-09-29...

I did a test run on the mountain road from 5pm. I changed my SJ the other day. The AS adjustment,PS adjustment,and idling adjustment will be done the next day,so I'll check the startability when it's cold. Since the SJ is being changed from 42 to 40,the plan is to open and close AS and PS about half a turn.

FCR Tuning - Changed SJ from 38 to 40. PS pilot screw adjustment - 2022-09-28...

① Set the AS to a slightly richer position. ② Set the PS back by 1.00 minutes. ③ Open the PS for about 15 minutes at a time. ④ Open the PS to a point where it is easy to maintain idling and it is finished. In the case of CBX1000,I have never had a problem with driving because the PS was opened too much and it was too rich,but I start from a lean PS and then richen it.

Since I changed the FCR - SJ, I checked the startability and touched the PS - 2022-09-28...

There are various resets to ensure a comfortable ride. Generally,after changing the SJ,there are many work items as it involves attaching and detaching the cab. ① Adjust the tension of the throttle wire. ②Adjust the PS so that the engine can start. ③Temporarily adjust AS. ④Adjust the idling. ⑤Synchronize. ⑥Take a test run and adjust AS. Adjust the above by going forward and backward through steps 1-6.

FCR tuning - Change and synchronize SJ and MJ - 2022-09-27...

About MJ main jet. When I looked at the air-fuel ratio meter,I noticed that it would be better if I made it even slightly lighter. It may not make much sense,but I changed MJ by one step from 128 to 125. This is the season when fuel becomes richer as we approach winter. There is no problem even if you shake it a little thin.

FCR tuning - Considering the seasons of summer and winter when touching AS and PS - 2022-09-17...

Adjustment of AS air screw. I haven't touched FCR for a while,so I need to be a little more conscious of the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. What is especially good about SJ? What level of AS is appropriate? I hope I can find it on my own.

FCR6 synchronization and fuel subtank...

I've been a bit off track lately with the idea of starting a motorcycle blog,but this is an FCR-related post. That said,it is related. As the title suggests,I would like to introduce you to the fuel sub tank. Rather than synchronization,I will write an introduction to the fuel subtank.

About taper angle and FCR tuning - MJ confirmation from test run - How much does MJ influence? 2022-08-20...

Since today is Saturday,I wanted to ride on the CBX1000,but unfortunately it was about to rain. To shake or not to rain? Anything else? It was a subtle sky pattern. I ended up doing a test drive around my house while checking the weather forecast on my smartphone. So,I will be doing a test run mainly to see how the MJ looks after changing the tuning from last time.

About FCR-PS. Idle port,slow port and air-fuel ratio at idling...

The other day,when I was carrying around a Carburetor Pilot Screw Adjustment Tool,a certain mass touring group asked me,``What is this?'' ” I was bombarded with questions in turn. I have come to my own conclusions and done things that I had doubts about since I started tuning up FCR,so I will write about them historically.

FCR tuning - SJ and MJ change - 2022-08-15...

With SJ45,I felt like the screw was opening too much,so I changed it to 42. I chose 42 because I wanted to make fine-tuned tuning,but 40 might be the perfect range for all year round. I feel a little regretful that it might not be necessary to make it look strangely deviate from Bito's initial tuning.