"jet needle"


FCR - Test run on the expressway - Check the condition of the main jet...

The speed is within the legal speed limit. Fully open the throttle while looking at the gears like 3rd,4th,and 5th. CBX1000 is a motorcycle with up to 5 speeds. 3rd and 4th gears provide peaky acceleration. When you shift to 5th gear,it won't accelerate comfortably until you get up to a certain speed,but it feels like it will gradually increase the top speed and accelerate.

Do not set FCR - strictly prohibited before touring....

The weight of troubleshooting is completely different when you drive with the expectation that trouble will occur in your local area,and when you go far and cause trouble. Basically,no matter what kind of work you do,whether it's changing a tire or anything else,replacing something means that your car will go from being running well to not being able to run,even temporarily. Maintenance is about changing your body from a state where you can't run to a state where you can run better than before,or a state where your endurance is higher than before.

FCR6 synchronization and fuel subtank...

I've been a bit off track lately with the idea of starting a motorcycle blog,but this is an FCR-related post. That said,it is related. As the title suggests,I would like to introduce you to the fuel sub tank. Rather than synchronization,I will write an introduction to the fuel subtank.

Three advantages of converting CBX1000 to FCR...

This time,I would like to introduce three benefits of converting CBX1000 to FCR,which is my favorite,by converting CBX1000 to FCR33. I will write about it in a column,but I will also introduce the disadvantages. There are no disadvantages caused by converting to FCR. Basically there are only good things.

About taper angle and FCR tuning - MJ confirmation from test run - How much does MJ influence? 2022-08-20...

Since today is Saturday,I wanted to ride on the CBX1000,but unfortunately it was about to rain. To shake or not to rain? Anything else? It was a subtle sky pattern. I ended up doing a test drive around my house while checking the weather forecast on my smartphone. So,I will be doing a test run mainly to see how the MJ looks after changing the tuning from last time.

About FCR-PS. Idle port,slow port and air-fuel ratio at idling...

The other day,when I was carrying around a Carburetor Pilot Screw Adjustment Tool,a certain mass touring group asked me,``What is this?'' ” I was bombarded with questions in turn. I have come to my own conclusions and done things that I had doubts about since I started tuning up FCR,so I will write about them historically.

What is the appeal of motorcycle carburetor specifications?...

There are two types of motorcycle fuel injection systems in the world. Carburetor specifications or other than Carburetor specifications? Except for the carburetor specifications,it will be injection. Since FCR is also a carburetor specification,I will write about the good and bad points of carburetor specifications while comparing them with injection. The trick here is to write about it while comparing it to injection.

Should I change the taper angle and cut-up of FCR? Check the number of clip stages first....

This time I will write in a column. The other day,I had a little conversation about the FCR tuning with the divine engineer who gave me two engines for my CBX1000 free of charge. I was told,``JN checks the number of clip stages before checking the taper angle.'' According to the master,it's natural that the clip position will change if you change the taper,so if you don't take that into account when purchasing a jet needle,it will be a waste of money.

FCR tuning - AS and PS adjustment during test run - 2022-07-28...

If you try to improve the starting performance,the PS will tend to open. Since it is a racing cab,you may not need to worry too much. Either way,I currently prefer a richer shade,so I'll see how it goes tomorrow morning. I'm thinking about various things,such as tightening the PS a little more and raising the stop screw a little.

FCR tuning - PS pilot screw changes - 2022-07-25...

The other day,I found out the scope of responsibility for PS Pilot Screw! That's what I was feeling,so I went for a test drive and checked the air-fuel ratio while turning the PS. About the throttle opening - It's around 15 when fully closed and around 12.5 when it's around 1/16-1/8. Is around ①14 good when fully closed and idling? ②Is around 12.5 good? That's the idea.