

Repaint-Illustration given when requesting...

I organized my Google Drive. I found an illustration for the instructions I wrote when I requested the exterior repaint of my CBX1000. I will write about it. I will hire a repaint professional to do the job. Professionals fulfill client orders while conducting interviews.

3 things I liked about CBX1000 with cowl specification...

The best thing about installing the cowl is the change in driving.I have written that there are three things,but the change in driving is the most important and main thing.I also had a lot of fun chatting with riders who like cowls.

Do you have the parts list,service manual,electrical diagram,and FCR tuning manual?...

I have written a case where I lent the CBX1000 parts list to an acquaintance. At that time,I also lent them the service manual,power distribution diagram,and FCR tuning manual. I wouldn't say it's essential when doing DIY,but it doesn't hurt to have it on hand and read it carefully for knowledge.

Naked style - CBX1000 looks cooler without a cowl...

I posted a naked style photo from a few years ago that came out. I once again felt that the design of the CBX1000 really suits the naked-style round headlights. When it comes to riding,a motorcycle with a cowl is definitely easier to ride.

Three advantages of converting CBX1000 to FCR...

This time,I would like to introduce three benefits of converting CBX1000 to FCR,which is my favorite,by converting CBX1000 to FCR33. I will write about it in a column,but I will also introduce the disadvantages. There are no disadvantages caused by converting to FCR. Basically there are only good things.

Test drive the CBX1000 and head to the rental garage...

I didn't return it to the rental garage for a while because the rainy season ended and it was easy to drive,and I was frequently tuning the FCR. The day before I ride the CBX1000,I pull it out of the rental garage,leave it at home,and ride it the next day.

About taper angle and FCR tuning - MJ confirmation from test run - How much does MJ influence? 2022-08-20...

Since today is Saturday,I wanted to ride on the CBX1000,but unfortunately it was about to rain. To shake or not to rain? Anything else? It was a subtle sky pattern. I ended up doing a test drive around my house while checking the weather forecast on my smartphone. So,I will be doing a test run mainly to see how the MJ looks after changing the tuning from last time.

About FCR-PS. Idle port,slow port and air-fuel ratio at idling...

The other day,when I was carrying around a Carburetor Pilot Screw Adjustment Tool,a certain mass touring group asked me,``What is this?'' ” I was bombarded with questions in turn. I have come to my own conclusions and done things that I had doubts about since I started tuning up FCR,so I will write about them historically.

What is the appeal of motorcycle carburetor specifications?...

There are two types of motorcycle fuel injection systems in the world. Carburetor specifications or other than Carburetor specifications? Except for the carburetor specifications,it will be injection. Since FCR is also a carburetor specification,I will write about the good and bad points of carburetor specifications while comparing them with injection. The trick here is to write about it while comparing it to injection.

Photos of CBX1000 cowl specifications are posted....

Even if it is not a CBX1000 cowl specification,some parts may be helpful for owners who want to install a frame-mounted cowl on a naked specification motorcycle. This is a duplicate of the previous article,but the content posted a while after installation and the post immediately after installation are slightly different.