FCR tuning - I bought an acceleration pump diaphragm so I'll compare the sizes...

I bought an acceleration pump diaphragm for the KX400 to set up the FCR of the CBX1000. As of November 2022,the price should be 1,892 yen for two pieces. I don't remember exactly because I bought them together with other items. I should mention in advance that I only bought them and have not compared them since installing them.

CBX1000 FCR main jet full throttle tuning...

How should I set the main jet of the FCR? I don't know because I don't have an air-fuel ratio meter... I won't know unless I put it on the Dynojet and measure it... I'll write about the way I set the FCR of my CBX1000. I haven't put it on the Dynojet,but I have an air-fuel ratio meter and I drive on the highway.

Installing an FCR on a CBX1000 - 10 Essential Tips for Serious Tuning...

This article is aimed at people who want to start tuning up their FCR in earnest. It covers carburetor synchronization and tuning.

Buying a CBX1000 FCR - How to tune for the first time...

Many people want to install a racing carburetor on the CBX1000. In Japan,the options are the BITO FCR or CRS carburetor. It seems that TMR can also be made to order,but it is not common. If I were to buy one,I would choose the FCR.

FCR Tuning - Jet needle changed to 90FTN. I was concerned about the straight diameter - 2022-11-15...

This is a test run after changing the jet needle of the CBX1000 FCR. The purpose is to check whether the straight diameter of the jet needle is good or bad at low throttle opening. I have been selecting a jet needle for the slow jet 48 for a while now. As a result of the test run,the acceleration is so good that I don't want to touch it for a while.

FCR - The fuel line should be angled so that fuel can flow easily....

CBX1000 is a forced open/close type gasoline cock. About the fuel line Although it is a short path during the process of sending fuel from the gasoline tank to the carburetor,air may become trapped. It's not just the angle of the fuel line,but also the nature of the filter that makes it difficult for fuel to flow.

FCR Tuning - Adjust the air screw with a digital tachometer - 2022-11-10...

Fine adjustment of the air screw and pilot screw positions. Until now,we had determined the position of the air screw based on a test run. Of course,I also use the air-fuel ratio meter as a reference. The position of the air screw is determined based on a test run. I purchased a digital tachometer.

Notes on changing FCR slow jet...

Since the CBX1000 has 6 carburetors,the number of jet changes is 6 times that of the SR,and 1.5 times that of a 4-cylinder motorcycle. It's a pain. When purchasing a new jet,it costs 6 times more than an SR. I don't regret it too much since it's money I'll be spending on my hobby,but it's better if it doesn't cost anything.

FCR tuning - Jet needle replacement - Up change - 2022-11-08...

This is the FCR tuning. Current jet needles have a special thread count that sharpens up. It should be 90FXM#3=90FTM#1. I haven't tried it,so I don't know,but it should probably be the same. I'll check it out when I have some free time.

FCR Tuning - Tuning throttle opening from 1/16 to 1/8 - 2022-11-06...

Regarding the current FCR tuning of CBX1000,I was concerned about the lower throttle opening. It's not a good idea to get caught up in the air-fuel ratio meter,but a partial reading of 10.5 is around throttle opening of 1/16 to 1/8. It is unclear whether this condition is good or bad.