FCR Tuning - Throttle opening 1/16 determined by straight diameter and slow jet...

This is a story about when I used a jet needle that I bought a few years ago for setting the FCR of my CBX1000 but hardly used. The other day, I looked back at the past logs about the changes in the straight diameter of the SJ and JN. My experience is different from that of my past self, so the accuracy and precision of what I have written down will be different.

Installing an FCR on a CBX1000 - 10 Essential Tips for Serious Tuning...

This article is aimed at people who want to start tuning up their FCR in earnest. It covers carburetor synchronization and tuning.

Buying a CBX1000 FCR - How to tune for the first time...

Many people want to install a racing carburetor on the CBX1000. In Japan,the options are the BITO FCR or CRS carburetor. It seems that TMR can also be made to order,but it is not common. If I were to buy one,I would choose the FCR.

FCR Tuning - Jet needle changed to 90FTN. I was concerned about the straight diameter - 2022-11-15...

This is a test run after changing the jet needle of the CBX1000 FCR. The purpose is to check whether the straight diameter of the jet needle is good or bad at low throttle opening. I have been selecting a jet needle for the slow jet 48 for a while now. As a result of the test run,the acceleration is so good that I don't want to touch it for a while.

FCR tuning - Jet needle replacement - Up change - 2022-11-08...

This is the FCR tuning. Current jet needles have a special thread count that sharpens up. It should be 90FXM#3=90FTM#1. I haven't tried it,so I don't know,but it should probably be the same. I'll check it out when I have some free time.

FCR Tuning - Tuning throttle opening from 1/16 to 1/8 - 2022-11-06...

Regarding the current FCR tuning of CBX1000,I was concerned about the lower throttle opening. It's not a good idea to get caught up in the air-fuel ratio meter,but a partial reading of 10.5 is around throttle opening of 1/16 to 1/8. It is unclear whether this condition is good or bad.

FCR Tuning - The number of clip stages of the jet needle is determined by the driving feeling...

You can enjoy changes in the driving feeling that cannot be seen only with lean or rich FCR influence range. When you wear an air-fuel ratio meter,you tend to look at the numbers and judge whether it's lean or rich.Considering the characteristics of engine revving,etc.,there are some areas that are difficult to show in the numerical values. Simply put,you can change the number of clip stages one by one and try the number of stages that gives you the driving feeling you like.

FCR tuning - jet needle clip stage number change - 2022-10-16...

CBX1000 FCR tuning. Even though I say I will tune it,I am very satisfied with the current situation,so I am changing it for the sake of knowledge. The number of clip stages has been changed from [2] to [3]. Very good. The number of clip stages will be set to [3] for the time being. If you change the number of clip stages from season to season or over time,you will often find that the ride quality of your motorcycle changes significantly and becomes better.

FCR Tuning - Change slow jet from 40 to 42 - 2022-10-08...

The other day,I changed the slow jet from 42 to 40. However,it seemed like we were reaching the limit of returning the PS,so we changed it from 40 to 42 again. For me,the boom now is to keep the air-fuel ratio at 12.5 to 13.0 when idling with the throttle fully closed. It feels like the ride becomes milder,which is good.

Since I changed the FCR - SJ, I checked the startability and touched the PS - 2022-09-28...

There are various resets to ensure a comfortable ride. Generally,after changing the SJ,there are many work items as it involves attaching and detaching the cab. ① Adjust the tension of the throttle wire. ②Adjust the PS so that the engine can start. ③Temporarily adjust AS. ④Adjust the idling. ⑤Synchronize. ⑥Take a test run and adjust AS. Adjust the above by going forward and backward through steps 1-6.