

FCR-Fuel Level Adjustment

This is a fuel level adjustment for FCR. Can you do something like this? A story that made me want to get angry. Adjusting the fuel level means adjusting the fuel level of all 6 cylinders to the same height. Anyone can do it just by aligning the height of the fuel surface. Is the downdraft FCR about 15 degrees? Is it about 15 degrees for all FCRs? Is the horizontal about 30 degrees?

FCR tuning - Jet Needle - 2022-06-02...

CBX1000 FCR turning. This is a story about changing JN and changing clips after tuning in. The other day,I touched the oil level,removed the SJ,and touched it a lot,so I checked the synchronization of the 6 cylinders of the FCR once just to be sure. Honestly,it was at a level where I didn't have to touch it much.

FCR Tuning - Slow jet changed from 48 to 55 - 2022-05-23...

Changed FCR's SJ slow jet. The number has been changed from SJ-48 to SJ-55. The intention is to bring the fixed AS to around 1.0 to 1.30 minutes by reversing P1.15 minutes. I've put #52 in SJ,so I'm predicting that unless I put in at least #55,AS won't be around 1.30 minutes back,so I'm raising the number all at once.

Heading to Hattendo Village in Mihara City,Hiroshima Prefecture for a test run of the FCR....

The other day,I replaced my MJ,so I went on a solo tour on the expressway to Hattendo Village,which also served as a test run of the FCR. Hattendo is famous for its cream bread. The facility itself seems to be kept well-maintained,and the staff seemed to be responding well. If you have a flight passing by nearby,Sehito is a facility worth stopping by at least once.

Jet needle clip change - 2022-05-18...

I was concerned about the blowout being about 1/2,so I changed the number of clip stages. The current FCR jet needle is 90FTR #2,and I was planning to touch the AS air screw from time to time. The vacuum gauge uses two Daytona 4-gauges to create a CBX1000-spec 6-gauge.

Scope of influence of FCR's MJ main jet...

I try to keep it between 11.5 and 13.5 during acceleration,and aim for 12.5 to 13.0 as much as possible. I try not to worry about it even if I get into 11 in a partial. I prioritize the experience and try not to worry about the air-fuel ratio even if it reaches a very extreme value.

FCR-tuning JN - 2022-04-23 - Video available...

Continuing from the other day,I will touch on JN. If it goes out of control in the same season and in the same place,I think it's better to think that something is broken in the first place. I work with the mindset that if something goes wrong,I can just get things back to normal.

FCR - tuning JN - 2022-04-22...

Regarding the FCR turning,the JN-Jet Needle's clip seems to change the way it blows up. The position of the clip is lean at the top and rich at the bottom. It's better to choose based on feel,without worrying about the air/fuel ratio.

FCR carburetor - lip seal replacement...

Replaced FCR carburetor parts. Around the lip seal and accelerator pump. I'm thinking about riding CBX1000,so I try to avoid long-term immobility. Many work methods include removing the cab,modifying it at home,and installing it as an Assy. Working in a rental pit.

PLX-DM6-Air fuel ratio meter-A/F meter installation...

I think Autogauge,PLX,and Innovate are the options for air-fuel ratio meters. I used Autogauge and PLX. In terms of visibility,the auto gauge is completely invisible during bright daytime hours. PLX has faster startup speed.