The throttle opening and throttle valve opening of the FCR carburetor are not directly proportional....

Even when the throttle is opened to 1/2 on an FCR, the throttle valve on the FCR does not open to 1/2. This is not specifically mentioned in the FCR tuning manual. Knowing this might change your perspective on the operation of the FCR throttle. At 1/2 throttle opening, the throttle valve is typically open only about 1/4.

With the quick turn throttle housing, you can set the throttle free play to 0mm!...

When installing a quick turn throttle, one feature that is not present in a standard throttle housing is the throttle stop screw function. Although it might sound elaborate, it is simply a screw hole that has been cut. It is a bolt used to adjust the minimum return position of the throttle.

Throttle grip wiring - The FCR is a push-pull carburetor. Its direct operational feel is very appealing....

For adjusting the throttle area, there's no problem at all in thinking that you can easily do it yourself without needing to rely on a professional. For such tasks, you can usually find methods by searching online. If you still have trouble, you can consult a local motorcycle enthusiast, and you’ll likely find a solution.

FCR Tuning - Testing 6 Variations of Accelerator Pump Diaphragm - 2023-08-22...

One of the highlights of FCR carburetors is the accelerator pump. This time, instead of making just minor adjustments, I performed tuning with all the diaphragms I have on the same day. The accelerator pump diaphragms tested were Standard, KLX250, and KLX400, with discharge timings of 1.0mm and 0.5mm, resulting in a total of 6 different patterns.

Adjustment of Motorcycle Throttle Free Play...

Throttle Free Play Basics. The standard throttle free play is typically set to 5mm. Additionally, it’s essential to ensure that the throttle returns properly when the handlebars are turned left and right. This ensures that the throttle operates correctly and safely.

FCR Tuning - Adjusting the air screw to the appropriate setting after changing the slow jet - 2023-08-13...

The position of the air screw has been adjusted to slightly less than 0.30 minutjes return. The pilot jet has been changed from 45 to 48. This air screw setting in summer may not be ideal for winter, as it would likely need to be adjusted (tightened) during colder months.

How much gasoline is accumulated in the float chamber of the FCR carburetor?...

For the FCR carburetor on the CBX1000, it holds about 100cc to 150cc. I took some photos when I changed the slow jet. I will be discussing how to handle gasoline when changing the main jet or slow jet on the FCR carburetor.

FCR Tuning - Re-synchronization after adjusting the throttle cable - 2023-08-01...

I synchronize the FCR carburetors on my CBX1000 more than 10 times a year. Whether 10 times is a lot or not, I’m not sure. It’s not that I feel the synchronization has drifted while riding and then correct it. Rather, it’s because minor misalignments occur when I perform tuning and have to remove and reattach parts.

FCR Tuning - Tuning the main jet at full throttle is fun....

As you gradually open the throttle from a low position, you will adjust the relevant jets and screws. Once the low-throttle setting is in good condition, the main jet (MJ) is often already in a good or near-good state as well

Spark Plug Replacement - The Idling of Carbureted Engines Smells Like Gasoline...

If you feel that the idling is off, replacing the spark plugs and then re-tuning is a viable option. Tuning involves various interconnected factors, and the spark plugs might be one of the causes of irregular idling. By replacing the spark plugs, you eliminate one potential concern.