

FCR Tuning - Adjust the air screw to be slightly lean within the possible range, then adjust the accelerator pump - 2023-05-27...

I adjusted the air screw’s return setting and also changed the start position of the accelerator pump’s discharge. It’s been a while since I worked on the FCR. After a light morning ride with the usual 9F rider, I did the tuning.

FCR Tuning - Changing the Straight Diameter of the JN Jet Needle - 2023-05-09...

CBX1000 FCR Setting.Since last month, I have been gradually fine-tuning the settings. The idle and main jet are mostly decided. I’m focusing on the range affected by the straight diameter of the JN (Jet Needle), so this time I will change the straight diameter and take it for a test ride to see how it performs.

FCR Tuning - JN Jet Needle Straight Diameter and Clip Position - 2023-05-03...

Since changing the main jet, I’ve felt a power increase in my CBX1000. I’ve also been interested in trying changes to the slow jet and jet needle. I generally avoid adjusting the SJ (slow jet) when tuning the FCR, unless it’s beyond the adjustment range of the AS (air screw). For this reason, I decided to change the JN (jet needle).

FCR Tuning - Carburetor Synchronization - Is the Balance of Your Vacuum Gauge Correct?...

I will be writing a column about the zero calibration of vacuum gauge needles. To put it briefly, it's advisable to assume that the zero position of the needles on a four-bank vacuum gauge is generally miscalibrated.